
  • Teaching Odyssey
    Among all the responsibilities in this world, being the one teaching or mentoring someone carries long-lasting consequences. Religious leader David O. McKay famously said, “No greater responsibility can rest upon a man, than to be a teacher of God’s children.” What a heavy weight on the teacher’s shoulders, after a long period of study and ...
  • Unlikely Characters
    From Jesus’s many encounters during his ministry on Earth, two individuals emerge with compelling experiences that beg for comparisons. Let’s start with what they shared in common : Both were Jewish They had high-ranking positions in their communities Each one had gained some respect and admiration Both had become very rich They had everything they wanted In their way, each one was ...
  • The Longing Dream
    Have you ever been in a dream that feels so perfect and real? You are in the ideal place, with the right people and the perfect atmosphere, and you are feeling good, but then everything becomes blurred. Then you realize it is a dream and feel sad because you must wake up. And the sadness stays ...
  • Influence Not Taken
    Social groups naturally develop a “ruling class” or the “Elite.” Sometimes, these groups are publicly acknowledged and accepted as the ruling class. In other cases, they exist in the background, influencing the outcomes of what seems to be a “free society.”  Sociologist C. Wright Mills, who explored the American implications of social classes in his 1956 ...
  • Did you see the miracle?
    John 2:1-10 KJV+ 1. And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. I. And it came to pass, that important members of the community and special guests were gathered at the wedding, among whom were many Masters of the Law and Pharisees. 2. And both Jesus was ...
  • Who has the bag of gold?
    In Matthew chapter 25, Jesus tells the fascinating story of “The Parable of the Bags of Gold.” (Matthew 25:14-30 NIV). In this story, a wealthy man gathers his three servants to put them in charge of his wealth before leaving.” To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another ...
  • What message does my Lord have for me?
    It was a new beginning for the Israelites. A new beginning marked with sadness; their long-time leader Moses had died. However, they were now at the door of the promised land. Their 40-year punishment of wandering in the desert had ended; the old rebellious generation who left Egypt had died. This new beginning also created uncertainty ...
  • AI Assistants and the Bible
    In the Middle Ages also known as the “Dark Ages” the Bible was removed from the “common” people. That was a strategic move from Satan who always works to move people away from God’s Book. I see that today his strategy has changed. He now concentrates on not necessarily removing the Bible but on creating an ...
  • The Spotlight
    Have you ever been in a situation where you were trying to be invisible but suddenly something unexpected happened, and then everyone started to look at you? This moment, when it feels like a big light is above you enhancing every action you take, is called being in the spotlight! I am sure you have ...
  • When Sales Take Over
    The Haloid Company was a well-established company founded in 1906 that manufactured photographic paper and equipment.1 Despite the company’s success Joseph C. Wilson, its CEO, took interest in a new invention that could potentially lead to a new product in the market. Wilson was intrigued by the work of Chester F. Carlson, who invented a process ...