Spiritual Tech

AI Assistants and the Bible

In the Middle Ages also known as the “Dark Ages” the Bible was removed from the “common” people. That was a strategic move from Satan who always works to move people away from God’s Book.

I see that today his strategy has changed. He now concentrates on not necessarily removing the Bible but on creating an army of “middle man” elements, or resources, which people will connect to rather than going to the source, the Bible. Why read the Bible when somebody can give a nice summary, right? Why research Bible verses when I can ask somebody or something?

We get accustomed to these in the same way as we are mostly OK when dealing with car dealers, which cleverly mislead us to get the “deal” which is not actually a deal. The car dealer has become so institutionalized that fighting against the “middleman” becomes a “sin”. As Tesla has been experiencing while offering direct sales.

I am worried that IA is becoming another “middleman” on our way to the Bible. Rather than reading the Bible just ask some AI assistant, right?

My wife was researching Quora AI Assitant (bot) and found a surprising “off-bible” outcome. Apparently, the Bible confirms that Joseph had more children than the two mentioned in Genesis.

If we check the provided Bible reference it does not mention that at all. However, who will actually go and corroborate that? Somebody satisfied with the “middleman” will not do that and therefore the Bible gets removed from the scene. Well planned and executed! Welcome to Dark Ages V2. 

I think this is something any religious organization has to consider in their AI adoption journey. Are these strategies helping to move people closer to the Bible, or just adding another “middleman” layer shielding people from the source of life?

I found this interesting article on this topic: Misreading Scripture with Artificial Eyes.

Let’s try to move people closer to the Bible on any strategy we implement.

Copyright Italo Osorio 2024

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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